

American Muslim Identity
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2005
Time: 57 minutes 20 seconds

Dr. Hathout demystifies the American Muslim identity and the future of Islam. Focusing on America, Dr. Hathout discusses how Muslims need to be contributing to American pluralism.

Islam Beyond Stereotypes
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 15 minutes 57 seconds

Where did the word fundamentalism originate and was there a fundamental movement in Islamic history? Dr. Hathout explains why the term has become synonymous with Islam. Followed by Q&A.

Marriage Enrichment
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 1987
Time: 22 minutes 8 seconds

The Quranic perspective on the differences between men and women. Dr. Hathout discusses how the differences do not mean one is superior to the other.

Sharing Abraham
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 9 minutes 46 seconds

Dr. Hathout explores the idea that we are all meant to have different religious identities, and explains the inaccuracy of the politically motivated term, “Judeo-Christian.”

Beyond the Violence
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 43 minutes 19 seconds
Why is violence prevalent in our society and how do we achieve peace, other than the absence of war? How do we equate freedom with justice? Dr. Osman discusses the many threats to achieving peace including the merging of clergy and government and how tyrants justify their rule using jsutice. Also, Dr. Osman examines tehe verses in the Quran related to peace and analyzes what went wrong in the Muslim world.
Jihad and Holy War
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 29 minutes 51 seconds

A historical analysis of the term ”jihad.“ Did the term jihad exist before Islam? Dr. Osman defines what jihad is and what jihad is not. Using verses from the Quran, we take a look at what constitutes a legitimate war and what the goals of war should be.

Profile of the Muslim Scholar
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 48 minutes 50 seconds

An intimate discussion with Dr. Fathi Osman about his life, from his early childhood in Egypt that shaped his belief in human rights, justice, and democracy to his migration to the United States and the pursuit of freedom. Dr. Osman looks back at how his fight against dictatorship in Egypt led to the most difficult time in his life but also shaped his belief in God. ”I never thought that fear was so destructive to all the intellectual and human abilities and it might reduce the human to an animal or less.“ He shares his thoughts on how the struggle against colonialism and dictatorship split between those who chose the peaceful route and those who turned to violence and aggression.

Religion and Modern Civilization
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 58 minutes 3 seconds

Dr. Osman examines the role of religion in our fast paced changing society. Does religion have to compete with science and how does religion work with the government? He compares progressive Muslim thinkers (those who adapt to change) to historical Muslim thinkers (those who restrict their beliefs to the past) and the danger of terrorism and extremist ideology.

The Children of Adam: Islam and Pluralism within the Society and the World
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 1 hour 5 minutes 50 seconds

What is the difference between tolerance and pluralism? Dr. Osman defines pluralism in religious terms and how we can achieve pluralism in global and local societies. How do we retain our identity and culture while promoting pluralism? Dr. Osman specifically examines the United States with its many ethnicities and the opportunities that are available.

Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 1 hour 23 minutes 5 seconds

The rights and roles of women: Is Islam a patriarchal religion or does society and culture play a bigger role? What are the rights of women and how did the Quran elevate the role of women in society? Dr. Osman reviews examples of prominent women in the Quran and during the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. What are the sources for the rights of women in Islam?

Raising the Invaluable Springing Generation
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 48 minutes 51 seconds

How did Islam impact the responsibility of raising children? Dr. Osman compares pre-Islamic Arabia and the role of the tribe to the changes after Islam in the physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of children. What is the role of education and the community in the development of Muslim children? How does segregation influence future generations? Dr. Osman examines these issues as well as the challenges future generations face that are raised in the United States.

The Abrahamic Faiths and the Essence of God
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 53 minutes 30 seconds

Dr. Osman discusses tehe Abrahamic faiths: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. What are the similarities and differences between the three monolithic religions and how we worship God? Did the message from God change from one prophet to another? Also, Dr. Osman reviews the foundations of Islam including the five pillars and how they strengthen our relationship with God, justice, and the legal system. Finally, Dr. Osman examines how the monolithic religions view the end of the world.

The Muslim Perspective on the Environment, Nature, and Life
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 56 minutes 32 seconds

Dr. Osman discusses our responsibilities toward the preservation of the environment. What does it mean to be viceregent of our planet Earth? Topics discussed include science, animal testing, the guidelines for slaughtering animals, and the ethics of war.

The Pillars of the Human Structure
Dr. Fathi Osman
Time: 1 hour 8 minutes 27 seconds

The family is the foundation of every society, which includes a balance of psychological, biological, spiritual, and educational stability. What are the responsibilities of parents, spouses, children, and the extended family? Dr. Osman discusses the family structure before Islam, which focused on tribalism, and after Islam, which reformed the rights of women and children. How did Islam change Arab society? And how did the Prophet exemplify the family structure? Although Islam liberated women, patriarchal societies still dominate. What are the consequences of a patriarchal society and has the role of women created instability? Also, Dr. Osman discusses marriage and dating. What role should parents and children have? Other topics discussed include pre-marital sex, divorce, and polygamy.


Fighting Islamophobia
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 2 minutes 32 seconds

Dr Hathout discusses how we should not have defensive campaigns but should be involved with our communities to represent Islam.

Abusing Women, Abusing Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2009
Time: 4 minutes 6 seconds

Highlighting the Muslim Public Affairs Council researh paper on women in Islam.

Burning the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 3 minutes 49 seconds

How to react to hate speech.

Campaign Against Terror
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2007
Time: 4 minutes 20 seconds

In an effort to combat terrorism, Dr. Hathout explains how to deal with animosity without the use of violence.

Challenges and Opportunities for American Muslims
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2010
Time: 5 minutes 7 seconds

Dr. Hathout highlights the opportunities and the challenges, both internally and externally, of the American Muslim community.

Challenging the Call for Terror
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2010
Time: 3 minutes 9 seconds

Challenging the so-called experts in the media who misinterpret verses in the Quran and claim Islam promotes terrorism.

Charity in Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2010
Time: 3 minutes 17 seconds

Dr. Hathout explains the purpose of Zakat.

Civic Engagement
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2000
Time: 9 minutes 21 seconds

By using verses from the Quran and examples from the Prophet’s life, Dr. Hathout discusses the importance of Muslim involvement in government and community affairs.

MPAC's 2013 Convention Keynote Address
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2013
Time: 10 minutes 55 seconds

Dr. Hathout explains how the motor of Islam (the belief in one God, mercy and compassion) must be prevalent in Muslims if Islam is to progress.

Importance of Voting
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2008
Time: 2 minutes 21 seconds

Dr. Hathout briefly discusses the importance of voting.

Islam's Relevance in the Modern Age
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2008
Time: 9 minutes 50 seconds

The danger of Islam becoming irrelevant in today’s times.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2008
Time: 6 minutes 50 seconds

How the short documentary Fitna is spreading fear into our society.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 5 minutes 37 seconds

Using the example of the production of the documentary “Obsession,” Dr. Hathout discusses the impact of Islamophobia on our democracy and pluralism.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2010
Time: 2 minutes 40 seconds

Setting the record straight: the other side of the story.

Protests Against Islamic Symbols
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2010
Time: 3 minutes 51 seconds

The growing protest of building mosques around the world.

Relating to Others
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2008
Time: 8 minutes 19 seconds

Relaying the message of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims using the examples of the Prophet Muhammad.

Date: 2010
Time: 14 minutes 29 seconds

A brief description of Sharia and its purpose.

Fostering Faith through Family
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 5 minutes 36 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the family life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his responsibilities at home.

Current State of the Ummah
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2013
Time: 14 minutes 1 second

What have we learned from the Arab Spring and the Egyptian Revolution? Can people initiate change? Dr. Hathout explores the many issues affecting the Ummah including Islamists, counter revolutionists, and conspiracy theories.


Understanding Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 1 hour 10 minutes 47 seconds

Dr. Hathout gives a brief description of Islam to an audience of Muslims and non-Muslims. In an effort to generate discussion, Dr. Hathout opens the majority of the forum’s time to Q&A.

Theology of Death vs. Theology of Life
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2007
Time: 12 minutes 28 seconds

The belief that death is better than life has been glorified by those who use the Quran to justify violent acts. Dr. Hathout sites Quranic verses, hadith, and sharia to show the value of life over death in Islam.

Voice of Moderate Muslims
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2001
Time: 7 minutes 54 seconds

Is there such a thing as a moderate Muslim? Dr. Hathout explains what the term ‘moderate muslims’ means and what it does not mean.

Parenthood in the 21st Century
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 1997
Time: 1 minute 23 seconds

What are the traps facing American Muslim youth? How do parents contribute to the confusion of today’s youth? Dr. Hathout addresses youth and parents to discuss the obstacles of growing up as a first generation American Muslim.

Pope John Paul II’s Visit to Los Angeles
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 1987
Time: 8 minutes 47 seconds

In a historic moment, Dr. Hathout reminds the audience that there is hope in times of despair.

Middle East Peace Conference
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2005
Time: 7 minutes 10 seconds

The Middle East Peace Process: The one-sided role of the United States government.

Political Participation of Muslims
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2000
Time: 10 minutes 40 seconds

What are the benefits of Muslims participating in politics and how can we encourage Muslims to be a part of American pluralism? Dr. Hathout outlines the reasons for being politically active.

Giving During Difficult Times
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2008
Time: 14 minutes 2 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the importance of donating, especially during difficult financial times.

Purpose of the Media Awards
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 7 minutes 53 seconds

Dr. Hathout explains the purpose of the MPAC media awards.

A Brief History of the Palestinian Conflict
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 26 minutes 8 seconds

Taking a look at the history of Muslims and Jews in relation to the Palestinian conflict. What will work and what will not work to resolve the problem.

Extremism: Between Wrong Policy and Corrupt Ideology
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 8th, 2024
Time: 26 minutes 19 seconds

In his last public appearance, Dr. Hathout discusses reform. What is reform and why is it considered bad? Also, what is the tribal ideology among Muslim groups? What have been the consequences of authoritarian religious rule and how has it affected the core of Islam and freedom of choice?

The Concept of Love
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2011
Time: 12 minutes 36 seconds

Dr. Hathout explores the concept of love and how we are required to treat one another.

Awareness of Alcohol
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 11 minutes 42 seconds

How alcohol erodes a society and the approaches that can be taken to combat it.

A Celebration of Courage: In Memory of Rachel Corrie
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2003
Time: 6 minutes 42 seconds

Rachel Corrie was an American activist protesting against the demolition of Palestinian homes in the Gaza Strip. On March 16th, 2003, Rachel was killed when an armored bulldozer, run by the Israel Defense Forces, ran her over.
Dr. Hathout defines courage as he honors Rachel Corrie’s parents for Rachel’s stand against injustice in Palestine and for the sacrifice of her own life.

Contemporary Islamic Movements
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 1997
Time: 52 minutes 48 seconds

Dr. Hathout compares the prevailing Islamic movements, their characteristics, and how they reflect on our society: The traditionalists, the modernists, the puritans, and the reformists. Followed by Q&A.

Defining Dawah
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 1983
Time: 29 minutes 8 seconds

Dr. Hathout defines Dawah and discusses whether the method of Dawah is the same all over the world. The components of Dawah:

  • Creed
  • Devotion
  • Reason
  • Relevance of Ideology
  • Methodology

Fighting Terrorism and Hate Crimes
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2002
Time: 10 minutes 29 seconds

The role of the Muslim community after 9/11. Dr. Hathout presents a three-point grassroots action plan to fight terrorism and hate crime.

Laws of War & Peace
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 8 minutes 3 seconds

In recent times, it has become commonplace to blame Islam for acts of terror. In this presentation, Dr. Hathouth explains how Muslims and non-Muslims have twisted verses in the Quran pertaining to the laws of war and peace, as well as the rules of engagement in the battlefield. How does the Quran promote peace rather than war? Verses in the Quran will be analyzed. Followed by Q&A.

Leadership and the Movement
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2002
Time: 56 minutes 56 seconds

Who and what are we working for? What makes a movement undefeatable? The importance of building a movement: the obstacles, goals, and how to work together to acheive the goals. Followed by Q&A.

Representing Ourselves
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2003
Time: 12 minutes 36 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses how Muslims should be representing Islam instead of the so-called experts defining who we are.

Civic Engagement from an Islamic Perspective
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2009
Time: 50 minutes 17 seconds

What are the goals of Muslim youth? What do they want to acheive? Dr. Hathout demonstrates how other persecuted groups in the history of America rose to become powerful lobbyists and how Muslims should have the same goals. Followed by Q&A.

How Did the Prophet (PBUH) Lead?
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2013
Time: 16 minutes 43 seconds

What are the components of leadership? Using examples from the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad, Dr. Hathout explores six components required for effective leadership, as well as the traits that can lead to failure. The six components discussed are:

  • Service
  • Vision
  • Strategy
  • Team Building
  • Pioneering
  • Style

What Kind of America?
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2010
Time: 5 minutes 56 seconds

Do we want an America based on religious freedom and democracy or an America that is bigoted and infringing on the rights of its citizens?

Creating a United Front Against Terrorism
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: 2013
Time: 47 minutes 54 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the difference between the ‘religion of God’ (what God intended for people to follow) and the ‘religion of people’ (tribal mentality). Is the ‘religion of people’ threatening democracy in America?

Friday Khutba: 2010 - 2012

The Tragedy of Haiti
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 15th, 2010
Time: 24 minutes 1 second

Why does God allow natural disasters? Dr. Hathout discusses the lessons we should learn from natural disasters and how we are all susceptible to the end of life.

Reorientation of Mass Education
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 5th, 2010
Time: 21 minutes 30 seconds

If the Quran does not advocate vengeance, what has caused Muslims to behave differently? How do we teach moderation and avoid extremism? Dr. Hathout takes at the current Islamic education in the Muslim world and discusses how it can have a great impact on the culture of the people.

A Successful Community
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 5th, 2010
Time: 21 minutes 32 seconds

Dr. Hathout outlines the three levels of a successful community:

  • Individual
  • Family
  • Community

Piracy at the High Seas
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 4th, 0201
Time: 25 minutes 10 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the reactions of the Flotilla incident and the blockade of Gaza. What are the steps we can take to prevent injustice?

The Relevance of Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 9th, 2010
Time: 23 minutes 49 seconds

It is important that we be aware of the changing times in order to be relevant. What makes us Muslim? What are the obstacles we face? Dr. Hathout discusses deity, the messengers, and scripture.

Overcoming Current Challenges
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 27th, 2010
Time: 23 minutes 2 seconds

Dr. Hathout reviews some hostile issues the Muslim community is currently facing:

  • The mosque at ground zero
  • Eid on 9/11
  • Burning the Quran

Lessons from Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 3rd, 2010
Time: 25 minutes 59 seconds

How do we communicate the truth about Islam? Dr. Hathout discusses how the majority of Americans who fear Islam are just victims of the hate mongers who are trying to make Muslims irrelevant and how it is our responsibility to communicate the truth.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 1st, 2010
Time: 27 minutes 10 seconds

Discussed are the many opportunities Muslims have to reach Non Muslims who are curious about Islam.

Our Unit, Our Family
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 5th, 2010
Time: 29 minutes 7 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the family unit, which he describes as the heart of every community.

Taking Care of Our Institutions
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 3rd, 2010
Time: 26 minutes 52 seconds

Discussed are the three groups that make a professional and efficient institution:

  • Members
  • Leadership
  • Receivers of services

Forward to Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 7th, 2011
Time: 25 minutes 29 seconds

Do we practice the Quran in our lives or just read it as a ritual? Dr. Hathout discusses how the Quran is accessible to all people without the need for a clergy.

Pharaoh and Pharaohism
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 4th, 2011
Time: 30 minutes 58 seconds

What does the Quran tell us about tyranny and freedom? Dr. Hathout discusses the story of Prophet Moses (PBUH) and Pharaoh vs. the current Egyptian Revolution. What are the similarities and what can we learn from both events?

What Makes Us an Ummah?
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 25th, 2011
Time: 28 minutes 24 seconds

Dr. Hathout outlines the six requirements for a successful ummah. Also, what issues should our ummah be concerned about? Discussed are the current events in Palestine, Egypt, Tunis, Yemen, and Libya.

Choices at the Turning Point
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 4th, 2011
Time: 19 minutes 51 seconds

Dr. Hathout examines some factors in the current turmoil in the Middle East. What does the Quran say about the masses staying silent? What factors contributed to the uprising in the Middle Eastern countries and what role did the youth play?

Congressional Hearing
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 11th, 2011
Time: 24 minutes 21 seconds

The Congressional hearing on “The Problem with Radicalization in the United States” is discussed.

Overcoming Anger
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 1st, 2011
Time: 24 minutes 40 seconds

With the rise of hate mongers siting violence against Muslims and the burning of the Quran, Dr. Hathout discusses the importance of Muslims refraining from retaliation and anger.

After Osama
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 6th, 2011
Time: 26 minutes 51 seconds

The factors that contributed to the Osama Bin Laden phenomenon:

  • Lack of mannerism and morality in Islamic education
  • Admiration of perceived heroes in the Muslim world
  • Imperial powers

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 3rd, 2011
Time: 29 minutes 5 seconds

Our Islamic responsibilities are to think, communicate, and be self -restrained. What are the consequences of not meeting those responsibilities?

Unguided Spending
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 8th, 2011
Time: 23 minutes 48 seconds

Is economic budgeting an economic issue or is it a moral issue? What factors contribute to a stable economy? Dr. Hathout discusses the role of religious institutions and their push for economic justice.

Islam in One Visit
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 5th, 2011
Time: 24 minutes 41 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the ethics taught by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and how we should conduct ourselves during crowded events at our mosque.

The Orphan Friday
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 26th, 2011
Time: 23 minutes 58 seconds

One of the purposes of Ramadan is to teach us taqua (awareness of Allah). But how do we reach the highest point of belief?

Strategies Encountering Bullying
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 7th, 2011
Time: 28 minutes 4 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the challenges of bullying in our schools and where the bullying culture is developed.

Post Hajj Lessons
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 4th, 2011
Time: 26 minutes 59 seconds

The continuity of the Muslim ummah and the factors that contribute to its success:

  • Prayer
  • Ramadan
  • Hajj

The Pattern of Creation
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 16th, 2011
Time: 26 minutes 39 seconds
Circles of Oppression
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 6th, 2012
Time: 27 minutes 20 seconds

Friday Khutba: 2007 - 2009

Dealing with Reality
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 5th, 2007
Time: 24 minutes
What are our challenges in the world today? Although there are many, we must continue to be patient, perseverant, and continue our mission. Dr. Hathout discusses the many difficulties facing us but also stresses that the real danger is fear, depression, and apathy.
Sectarian Division
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 2nd, 2007
Time: 22 minutes 13 seconds
How is the Sunni/Shia divide enabling our enemies? Dr. Hathout examines the situation in Iraq and compares those who focus on the past with those who want to look to the future.
Islam in Interaction
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 6th, 2007
Time: 26 minutes 7 seconds
Because we live in a pluralistic society, we must learn how to interact with other faiths. Dr. Hathout reminds us that our mission as Muslims is to deal with the hearts and minds of all people, not just Muslims.
Muslim Grassroots Diplomacy
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 18th, 2008
Time: 22 minutes 32 seconds
Public perception can play a very important role in the success of our mission as Muslims. Our community continues to receive questions regarding our commitment to peace. Is our methodology wrong? What is the real problem? Dr. Hathout stresses the importance of mass mobilization and engagement.
Peace No War, Life No Death
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 1st, 2007
Time: 22 minutes 5 seconds
Dr. Hathout discusses how the prophet ﷺ emphasized the importance of Islam’s image and the importance of clarity. How do we use his example to communicate to people today? What do we emphasize? Also, what does the Quran tell us about life and death for the cause of Allah?
Theology of Life Not Death
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 6th, 2007
Time: 23 minutes 31 seconds
The discussion of our image is continued. Dr. Hathout debates the differing opinions of younger and older Muslims regarding the image of Islam and how they are dividing us: Islam is a religion of death/Islam is a religion of life. What is the Islamic philosophy of life and death?
Agents of Life not Agents of Death
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 13th, 2007
Time: 22 minutes 1 second
Why is it important for us to become part of the American pluralism? Dr. Hathout explores the problem of Islamophobia and how it is not just a Muslim problem but a problem for America as a whole.
Approach to the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 24th, 2007
Time: 21 minutes 3 seconds
As Ramadan approaches, Dr. Hathout reminds us that a clean heart is part of the preparation for the month of Ramadan and how we should use the Quran with the intent to change and get energized.
Roadmap of the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 7th, 2007
Time: 23 minutes 15 seconds

The main themes of the Quran to focus on during Ramadan:

  • Uniqueness of Allah
  • Merci, justice, and dignity
  • No compulsion
  • Togetherness
  • Thinking and reason

Conclusion of Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 12th, 2007
Time: 23 minutes 26 seconds

How do we review our actions and practice accountability? Dr. Hathout discusses what we should have accomplished as Ramadan comes to a close.

California Fires
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 26th, 2007
Time: 23 minutes 30 seconds

How we should show concern for our fellow neighbors as well as the whole world during times of difficulty.

Events in Pakistan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 28th, 2007
Time: 22 minutes 55 seconds

With the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Dr. Hathout examines how Muslims are abandoning the Quran and turning to violence to settle differences. Why is this happening and how can we prevent the collapse of reasonable and civil thinking, which is what is commanded of us in the Quran?

Injustice in Gaza
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 25th, 2008
Time: 20 minutes 29 seconds

Dr. Hathout reviews the importance of standing for justice. The situation in Gaza is not just a political issue but an issue of social justice and one that every Muslim should be concerned about. How do we speak up and what can we do? Dr. Hathout discusses how to speak out against injustice without fear or intimidation.

Get Involved
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 1st, 2008
Time: 20 minutes 54 seconds

As the 2008 Presidential election approaches, Dr. Hathout discusses how an active Muslim community should look like and argues against those Muslims who refuse to participate in non Muslim societies. How did early Muslims engage in society despite being persecuted? Sura Ar-Room is studied as an example.

Living the Model of the Prophet
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 7th, 2008
Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds

Dr. Hathout examines the reaction of the Denmark cartoon denigrating the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Are these attacks new? What does the Quran say about the attacks against the Prophet and how we should react?

Islamophobic Events
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 4th, 2008
Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds

Discussed are the reaction of the Muslim community to the documentary Fitnah, and the Pope’s public conversion of a Muslim man to Catholicism.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 16th, 2008
Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds

Dr. Hathout defines Islamic issues using Palestine as an example of fighting for social justice, mercy, dignity, and freedom.

Lessons from Stories in the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 6th, 2008
Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds

What influence can the power of speech have on a society? Dr. Hathout explores how the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked for God’s help in communicating the message effectively and what we can learn from him.

Landmarks in the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 4th, 2008
Time: 21 minutes 46 seconds

Who are the believers in Islam? Dr. Hathout reviews how the Quran defines them; what they are and what they aren’t.

Ethics in the Mosque
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 1st, 2008
Time: 20 minutes 49 seconds

The impact of Isra and Mirage on the Prophet and the Muslim community. Also, the role of our mosques in Muslim communities. What are the ethics and mannerism we must follow?

The Final Stretch of Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 26th, 2008
Time: 20 minutes 46 seconds

As Ramadan comes to a close, Dr. Hathout reviews three factors to focus on:

  • Self-restraint
  • Identifying with the Quran
  • Giving

Civic Responsibilities
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 3rd, 2008
Time: 26 minutes 18 seconds

What is our duty toward the society we live in? Dr. Hathout examines Quranic values we must adhere to as Islam continues to be attacked.

Post Election Reflection
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 7th, 2008
Time: 24 minutes 31 seconds

An analysis of the election of President Barak Obama.

Ibrahim (PBUH) ﷺ
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 5th, 2008
Time: 24 minutes 54 seconds

Examining and honoring the life of prophet Ibrahim.

Tragedy in Gaza
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 9th, 2009
Time: 24 minutes 54 seconds

With the tragic events in Gaza continuing, Dr. Hathout stresses three important words in the Quran: Mercy, compassion, and justice. How can we implement those characteristics and what can we do? Also, Dr. Hathout sets the record straight regarding several fallacies given by the state of Israel.

A New Stage
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 30th, 2009
Time: 22 minutes 49 seconds

With the world constantly changing, Dr. Hathout discusses how the Muslim community must embrace changes or become irrelevant.

Future Outlook
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 10th, 2009
Time: 19 minutes 43 seconds

We cannot continue to focus on Islamic history and the successes of the past if we want to be a progressive community. Dr. Hathout points out the three type of people:

  • Those who are locked in the past
  • Those who focus on the future and ignore the past
  • Those who use the past to plan out the future

Opportunity for Change
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 29th, 2009
Time: 23 minutes 58 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses some positive trends that the Muslim community should take advantage of and the correct approach we must have. Also, how to reach the non Muslim community.

President Obama’s Speech
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 5th, 2009
Time: 23 minutes 55 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses President Obama’s speech regarding to Muslims and the Middle East. How should we react? What actions should we take and what should we avoid?

Reminding and Remembering
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 21st, 2009
Time: 22 minutes 50 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses Thakir (reminding and remembering). Why does the Quran repeat it often?

Lessons Learned in Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 18th, 2009
Time: 26 minutes 20 seconds

Dr. Hathout reminds us that completing Ramadan must be done with a stronger effort than we began it.

Mosque Etiquette
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 2nd, 2009
Time: 18 minutes 29 seconds

Developing etiquette in the mosque as well as out of the mosque.

No End for Education
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 30th, 2009
Time: 21 minutes 22 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the importance of education in society and what the Quran says about seeking knowledge.

The Tragedy of Fort Hood
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 6th, 2009
Time: 29 minutes 34 seconds

The event of the Fort Hood shooting and how the Muslim community is responding to it. Are Muslims trustworthy and can we continue to ignore growing fear in our society?

Community Alert
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 13th, 2009
Time: 24 minutes 34 seconds

A continuation from last week. Are we being tested with the rise of hate toward Muslims?

Moral Standards
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 4th, 2009
Time: 24 minutes 50 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses akhlaq (mannerism) and how it should be a part of us at all times.

Real Unity
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 23rd, 2007
Time: 24 minutes 22 seconds

Is the Muslim community united or divided? Dr. Hathout defines what it means to be united and discusses the difference between disagreeing and fighting.

Gender Relations
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 20th, 2009
Time: 27 minutes 23 seconds

If Islam gave women rights, why do we continue to oppress them? Dr. Hathout discusses gender relations, honor killing, and the status of women.

Friday Khutba: 2002 - 2006

The Trial to Isolate Islam and Muslims
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 12th, 2002
Time: 22 minutes 42 seconds

What strategies are used to keep Muslims out of the political process? What are our concerns? Dr. Hathout shows how these tactics are not new. Examples of these attacks from the life of the Propher Muhammad are discussed.

The Foundation of the American Muslim Identity
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 16th, 2002
Time: 21 minutes 43 seconds

The three factors we must not lose to survive as a Muslim community: faith, direction, and drive. Also discussed, the difference between good and bad organizations.

Dynamism in the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 30th, 2002
Time: 24 minutes 14 seconds

Human nature demands immediate results and when results are not received, we are vulnerable to despair. Discussed is the importance of patience during difficult times.

The Gift of Memory
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 6th, 2002
Time: 24 minutes 9 seconds

How do we analyze the impact of 9/11 and the tactics used by those who want to destroy Islam? Focusing on the three main strategies used by Islamophobes: spreading lies, Muslims as suspects, and attacking the foundations of Islam.

Clear Concise Talk
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 27th, 2002
Time: 18 minutes 54 seconds

The three major issues affecting Muslims after 9/11. What is our response?

  • The increasing number of detainees and deported Muslims
  • The violation of laws in Palestine
  • The call for war in Iraq

Dealing with a Sense of Danger
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 4th, 2002
Time: 23 minutes 26 seconds

Loss of faith after 9/11 and the impact of the “axis of evil”: Jerry Falwell, Frank Graham, and Pat Robertson. Aslo, the importance of knowing who and what our U.S. representatives serve.

How to Pass the Test
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 18th, 2002
Time: 22 minutes 31 seconds

How to stay perserverant and not feel defeated with world events.

Post Ramadan Priorities
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 13th, 2002
Time: 23 minutes 59 seconds

How do we handle natural and man-made disasters? What does it mean to be tested by God? Dr. Hathout discusses how blaming God is the wrong reaction and our responsibility as viceregents on earth.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 20th, 2002
Time: 21 minutes 28 seconds

Dr. Hathout reviews the many forms of discrimination against Muslims in America and the similarities between the current form of government and a dictatorship.

Times of Concern
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 27th, 2002
Time: 21 minutes 5 seconds

Discussed are two major concerns of our community: our position in the US as established citizens and attacks on Islam by those who know very little about it.

The Quran Road Map
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 7th, 2003
Time: 18 minutes 42 seconds

Respecting our rights and the rights of others. Dr. Hathout reviews Sura 11, Verses 113-115.

God as the Only Source
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 21st, 2003
Time: 22 minutes 15 seconds

What are the factors that stand between us and God? A close look at:

  • Fear other than fear of God.
  • Despair: Losing trust in God.
  • Hardening of the heart: Loss of compassion

Critical Times for Muslims and Our Nation
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 7th, 2003
Time: 20 minutes 53 seconds

The dangers facing American Muslims: confusion over Middle East politics and losing our identity as American Muslims.

Our Stand
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 21st, 2003
Time: 17 minutes 16 seconds

Defining our stand against the Iraq war and clarifying our roles as American citizens.

Ease Within Hardship
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 4th, 2003
Time: 24 minutes 19 seconds

Taking a close look at the silver lining of every difficulty.

Protecting Life and Religion
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 11th, 2003
Time: 21 minutes 2 seconds

Dr. Hathout examines how we should take a role in society by the following actions:

  • Studying and understanding events using rational thinking
  • Forming a stand
  • Speaking out

Hope in the Midst of Darkness
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 18th, 2003
Time: 22 minutes 23 seconds

How do we understand the nature of the period we live in? We either have a pessimistic attitude or we have the attitude of a true believer. How do we react to being tested by God?

The Trial of 9/11
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 2nd, 2003
Time: 22 minutes 59 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses how to respond to hostility using the example of the Prophet and his companions.

The Broken Map
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 16th, 2003
Time: 22 minutes 57 seconds

How to interact with the following types of people: people who are eager to learn about Islam, people who are full of hate, and the kind-hearted who are afraid of Islam. Also, dealing with the many different kinds of Muslims such as those who are hiding out of fear and Muslims who have left Islam.

Upholding the Law
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 3rd, 2003
Time: 21 minutes 51 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the three factors we as a community must overcome to avoid being marginalized: fear, a hardened heart, and despair.

Love and Compassion
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 17th, 2003
Time: 20 minutes 34 seconds

It is important to assess the strength of our faith before the month of Ramadan, as well as after. What are the criteria given to us in the Quran? Who are the true believers? Dr. Hathout reviews God consciousness, mending relations, and obeying the teaching of God and His prophets.

Ramadan in the United States
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 7th, 2003
Time: 22 minutes 52 seconds

From obscurity to Eid in the White House, the history of Ramadan in the United States is explored. What is the significance and where do we go from here?

Thanksgiving and Sharing
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 28th, 2003
Time: 23 minutes 3 seconds

What is the difference between behavior, character, and attitude? Also, the concept of thankfulness in Islam is discussed.

The Responsibilities of the Spoken Word
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 19th, 2003
Time: 19 minutes 56 seconds

Dr. Hathout reviews the forms of speech that can have a positive or negative effect.

The Right of Self Definition
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 2nd, 2004
Time: 21 minutes 21 seconds

Dr. Hathout explores the Islamic concept of freedom and discusses how it is not originally a western philosophy.

Seeing Life through the Lens of Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 6th, 2004
Time: 22 minutes 55 seconds

Remembering Islamic taste. How does wrong behavior become normal in our society? What is our standard? Also discussed, the concept of leadership in Islam.

In the Eyes of the Storm
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 26th, 2004
Time: 23 minutes 38 seconds

The goals of Islam’s enemies are to mislead the public, trample the constitution, and isolate Muslims. Our goal is to attempt to deal with those who are being manipulated by the media and fear Islam, and not to deal with those who are trying to destroy it.

Islam and Our Stand
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 7th, 2004
Time: 24 minutes 49 seconds

The torture of Muslim prisoners by the American military is an attempt to dehumanize them. Where does the hate come from? The effects of racism and how we should react are discussed.

The Test of Life
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 28th, 2004
Time: 22 minutes 3 seconds

How do we handle ourselves in regard to world events? Our main goal is to protect our community and our country. The three reactions that are not acceptable: apathy, blind anger, and fear.

The Viscous Cycle of Corruption and Destruction
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 25th, 2004
Time: 20 minutes 56 seconds

Any reaction to injustice must be within Islamic guidelines and not with anger and violence. Are we guided by Islamic prinicples or are we using Islam to justify our actions and agendas? What is the difference between prisoners of war and hostages? Dr. Hathout discusses our reactions to world events.

Keeping the Standard
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 9th, 2004
Time: 20 minutes 37 seconds

What factors bring civilization down? Dr. Hathout analyzes the effects of normalizing bad behavior and the strategy used to do it.

Faith: The Only Source of Power
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 3rd, 2004
Time: 22 minutes 49 seconds

Dr. Hathout explores the dangers of depression. When all hope is gone, we must rely on our faith by using the Quran, the model of our Prophet, and past experiences.

Spirituality, Conduct, and Behavior
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 8th, 2004
Time: 20 minutes 58 seconds

The main factor that distinguishes us from other creatures is self-restraint. Our spiritual connection with God directs our conduct and self-restraint throughout life.

Lessons from Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 5th, 2004
Time: 19 minutes 51 seconds

Dr. Hathout reminds us that we have an important mission and explains how to accomplish it regardless of world circumstances.

Reflections from a Visit to Egypt
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 17th, 2004
Time: 19 minutes 50 seconds

We are well informed on the sentiments of the American public regarding world affairs. But how well do we know the sentiments of Muslims around the world? Dr. Hathout reflects on a recent trip to Egypt and shares the opinions and frustrations of Muslims in the Middle East.

Essence of Hajj
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 5th, 2005
Time: 21 minutes 24 seconds

Dr. Hathout reviews the many aspects of Hajj including the concept of togetherness, monotheism, diversity, equality, and mannerism.

Reflections from the Hijra
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 4th, 2005
Time: 21 minutes 31 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the Hijra and what we should learn from it.

The Collective Will to Change
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 4th, 2005
Time: 19 minutes 34 seconds

The status of our Ummah needs to change through a return to the Quran. We can no longer respond to blood being spilled by numbness, denial, or conspiracy theories. Dr. Hathout reviews Quranic ruling on violence against others.

Our Responsibility
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 9th, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 37 seconds

Are we responsible for the deteriorating condition of Muslims around the world? How, and what do we about it? Dr. Hathout examines our responsibility at the individual and community levels by debunking common excuses given for our lack of action: conspiracy theories, victim mentality, blame game, and relegating responsibility to others.

Having Clear Directions
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 15th, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 29 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses Sura 61 Verse 2 and avoiding rhetoric. The importance of doing what you say you will do.

Protecting Relationships in Our Community
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 3rd, 2005
Time: 22 minutes 23 seconds

What does it mean to have a cohesive community? Dr. Hathout analyzes the many factors that contribute to an effective community and how to continue to make it grow.

The Quran Defines Desecration
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 10th, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 27 seconds

How do we respond to those who want to burn or destroy the Quran? In response to recent events regarding those who want to desecrate the Quran, Dr. Hathout reminds us that God will protect the Quran and that it is not just paper.

Highway of Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 1st, 2005
Time: 19 minutes 52 seconds

In order to follow the straight path of Islam, we cannot react with anger or despair to current events. Dr. Hathout discusses how understanding the issues rationally and thoroughly will lead to the correct solutions.

Main Signs on the Highway to Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 8th, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 27 seconds

Continued from the previous week. Many Muslims have lost their way to the straight path by succumbing to hate and anger. The importance of Muslim public opinion is discussed.

Purity and Wisdom
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 22nd, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 42 seconds

After a bombing incident in the streets of London, Dr. Hathout emphasizes the need to protect Muslim youth from being exploited by extremists.

Fatwa Against Terrorism
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 29th, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 34 seconds

What is the purpose of giving a fatwa against terrorism? And, what do we do after giving the fatwa?

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 2nd, 2005
Time: 19 minutes 10 seconds

Dr. Hathout explains why Muslims are required to help those in need.

Katrina and 9/11
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 9th, 2005
Time: 17 minutes 49 seconds

What is our duty in times of natural and man made catastrophes?

Ramadan Resolutions (Part 1)
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 7th, 2005
Time: 19 minutes 55 seconds

Dr. Hathout suggests that we resolve to follow the guidelines in the Quran.

Ramadan Resolutions (Part 2)
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 21st, 2005
Time: 17 minutes 39 seconds

A look at Ramadan over the past 30 years and how it has changed in America. Also, the importance of supporting our Islamic institutions.

Post Ramadan Reflections
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 4th, 2005
Time: 18 minutes 35 seconds

As Ramadan comes to a close, Dr. Hathout reflects on its purpose and also discusses the many different ways God tests us.

Dealing with Challenges
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 2nd, 2005
Time: 20 minutes 2 seconds

Dr. Hathout talks about the attempt to make Islam irrelevant and the feeling of despair as two of the main challenges facing Muslims today. We must study and understand these challenges in order to deal with them effectively.

Assessing Our Work
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 16th, 2005
Time: 21 minutes 6 seconds

Are Muslim organizations doing enough? Dr. Hathout discusses the importance of assessing our individual contributions and the purity of our hearts.

Violence and Failure
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: February 24th, 2006
Time: 20 minutes 55 seconds

Discussed today is the growing sectarian violence in Iraq and the failure of Muslims to leave the past behind.

Dealing with the Enemy
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 3rd, 2006
Time: 22 minutes 1 second

What and who are the enemies of Islam? What is their tactic and how are we falling into their traps? Dr. Hathout discusses how to deal with the enemies of Islam and the six types of enemies Muslims must be aware of.

Lessons from the Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 7th, 2006
Time: 21 minutes 55 seconds

Commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. How the completion of Islam happened in 3 ways: through the Quran, the messenger, and implementation of Islamic law.

The Beginning
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 5th, 2005
Time: 19 minutes 57 seconds

Dr. Hathout reviews 3 verses in the Quran that emphasize our responsibility to change our behavior and offers ways to implement the guidelines when coming to the mosque.

Defying Isolation
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 26th, 2006
Time: 24 minutes 23 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses different tactics used by hate groups to isolate other groups, particularly Muslims, and stresses 4 factors we must focus on: the Quran, Prophet Muhammad, our community, and the enemies. Also discussed is the attempt to isolate the Prophet and his followers.

Citizens of the Universe
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 14th, 2006
Time: 19 minutes 57 seconds

Dr. Hathout emphasizes the importance of Muslims being concerned and involved with issues pertaining to justice and human rights for all people and not just other Muslims.

Analyzing the News through the Lens of the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 4th, 2006
Time: 20 minutes 42 seconds

With disheartening news fulfilling the airwaves, Dr. Hathout reviews Sura 42, Verses 40-43 to explain how Muslims are ordered to defend themselves against tyranny and oppression, rather than feeling helpless and filled with despair.

Defining Ourselves
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: August 11th, 2006
Time: 20 minutes 29 seconds

Dr. Hathout uses Sura 12, Verse 108 to show how we must define who we are and our mission, just as the Prophet Muhammad was ordered to do, to complete the mission with clarity.

Our Connection to the Mosque
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 20th, 2006
Time: 24 minutes 4 seconds

What do we gain from coming to the mosque? Dr. Hathout discusses the importance of giving back.

Islam and the Others
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 3rd, 2006
Time: 18 minutes 46 seconds

What does the Quran say about how we relate to non-Muslims? What should our relations be with our fellow American citizens? Dr. Hathout discusses the issues of misunderstanding and suspicion between Muslims and non-Muslims and how we solve the problem.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 1st, 2006
Time: 21 minutes 59 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses how the documentary “Obsession” is being used to promote fear and how we should counter the attack.

Dealing with the Unexpected
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: December 15th, 2006
Time: 20 minutes 36 seconds

Human beings can make plans, but the future is out of our control. The importance of remembering that nothing will happen without God’s will.

Friday Khutba: 1990 - 1999

The Changing World and its Ailments
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 5th, 1990
Time: 22 minutes 32 seconds

The West, the East, and South Africa.

The Changing World
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 12th, 1990
Time: 21 minutes 36 seconds

Continued from last week. The deliberate effort to prevent the winds of change in Muslim dominated countries: Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, and Palestine.

Ramadan & Self-Enhancement
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 2nd, 1991
Time: 21 minutes 56 seconds

Holding oneself accountable before the Day of Judgment.

The Quran and the Transformation of the Ummah
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 3rd, 1991
Time: 25 minutes 17 seconds

How the Quran changed the lives of the Ummah after the revelation and how to change the Ummah today.

Hijra and the Unique Ummah
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 5th, 1991
Time: 20 minutes 46 seconds

The uniqueness of the Muslim experience, messenger, and scripture.

Difficult Times
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: November 6th, 1992
Time: 26 minutes 6 seconds

The four dangerous reactions of the Muslim community during difficult times.

Mother’s Day
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: May 7th, 1993
Time: 26 minutes 6 seconds

The Islamic concept of motherhood.

Future of Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 2nd, 1993
Time: 22 minutes 21 seconds

Getting through the darkness of Islam’s days to come.

Losing Our Young Muslims
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 1st, 1993
Time: 28 minutes 8 seconds

Why our young Muslims are looking outside of Islam for guidance and the early signs to look for.

Era of Jahiliyya (Ignorance)
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 2nd, 1994
Time: 25 minutes 22 seconds

Jahiliyya is not just a lack of knowledge but also represented a culture contrary to the teaching of Islam. Liberating the human mind.

Hardship and Remembering Allah
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: March 14th, 1997
Time: 21 minutes 35 seconds

Remembering God in difficult times and not forgetting Him during good times.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 2nd, 1999
Time: 25 minutes 50 seconds

Dr. Hathout discusses the tragic situation in Kosovo.

Friday Khutba: 1984 - 1989

Opportunities for Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 1st, 1984
Time: 22 minutes 39 seconds

The three areas to focus on during Ramadan: remembrance, reflection, and behavior modification.

Meaning and Purpose
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 22nd, 1984
Time: 23 minutes 54 seconds

Passing the course of Ramadan and having a meaningful purpose in life.

Reflections on Ramadan
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 29th, 1984
Time: 25 minutes 24 seconds

Reviewing the previous weeks to close Ramadan.

Uniqueness of Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 20th, 1984
Time: 25 minutes 38 seconds

Islam’s Uniqueness: The concept of deity, the Holy Quran, the Messenger

Responsibility of Muslims
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 27th, 1984
Time: 24 minutes 41 seconds

Continuing ‘Uniqueness of Islam” from the previous week’s sermon and the responsibility of Muslims.

Memories of the Hijra
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 21st, 1984
Time: 18 minutes 41 seconds

The significance of the Hijra in Islam.

Reflections of Hajj
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 6th, 1985
Time: 20 minutes 12 seconds

Reflection of a trip to Hajj and the implications on the Ummah.

Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: September 27th, 1985
Time: 20 minutes 46 seconds

Why we need to be revived and reminded about God.

The Past, Present, & Future
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 4th, 1986
Time: 21 minutes 48 seconds

The viability of Muslim organizations depends on keeping the balance between the past, present, and the future. The five actions to be taken to make Islam relevant.

The Uniqueness of Muslims Living in America
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 11th, 1986
Time: 18 minutes 4 seconds

Muslims living in homogenous non-Muslim societies compared to Muslims living in a pluralistic American society. Why is it unique?

The Essentials of Islam
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 13th, 1989
Time: 18 minutes 57 seconds

How acquiring materialistic needs, rather than wisdom and spiritual needs, leads to misery. A series of questions to ask ourselves to test our commitment.

The Essentials of Islam (cont.)
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: January 27th, 1989
Time: 16 minutes 58 seconds

A continuation of the previous week’s Khutba. How we should change the status quo.

The Continuity of the Quran
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: April 14th, 1989
Time: 20 minutes 23 seconds

Dr. Hathout emphasizes the importance of reading the Quran on a continuous basis and not just during Ramadan.

The Day of Judgment
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: June 2nd, 1989
Time: 23 minutes 37 seconds

The concept of accountability in the Quran: How is it unique to Islam? Dr. Hathout compares the theology of the Day of Judgment in religions.

Points for Hajj to Focus On
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: July 7th, 1989
Time: 18 minutes 51 seconds

Points to ponder for the preparation of the Hajj.

  • Prophet Ibrahim
  • Hajjar
  • Generations after Prophet Ibrahim

Life is not Permanent
Dr. Maher Hathout
Date: October 20th, 1989
Time: 20 minutes 55 seconds

After a recent earthquake, Dr. Hathout reminds people how life is not permanent and discusses Islam’s emergency kit for the hereafter.

Science of Tafsir


What is the meaning of Quran and tafsir? What were the elements that influenced the interpretation of the Quran? In this three lecture series, Dr. Hathout outlines the objectives of studying tafsir: to become familiar with the discipline of tafsir, understanding its significance, and knowing the limitiations.

Lecture 1
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 1 hour 18 minutes 43 seconds

The sources of tafsir:

  • Sayings of the prophet and the limitations
  • Sayings of the Sahaba (companions of the prophet)
  • Tabiyeen (Muslims after the prophet and Sahaba)

Lecture 2
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 1 hour 4 minutes 12 seconds

The three disciplines of tafsir:

  • Arabic language studies
  • Asbab al-nuzul (context of revelation)
  • Al-nasikh wa al-manskh (abrogation of verses)

Lecture 3
Dr. Maher Hathout
Time: 1 hour 26 minutes 44 seconds

The history of tafsir and the four layers of meaning in the Quran:

  • Meaning is known by Arabs who speak the language
  • Meaning is self-explanatory
  • Meaning is known by scholars who study the Quran.
  • Meaning is known by God only