Works by Dr. Maher Hathout:

Inspiration from the Life of Muhammad
This book is an adaption of a series of lectures given to provide a concise appreciation of the life of Prophet of Islam. It is meant to provide access to unheralded stories and instances during the Prophet’s life-stories that are relevant to our current lives in a new, different era.

Islam 2.0
This book is the result of many years of conversations between the author and generations of Muslim youth and young adults, which led to a deep understanding of the questions this group of Muslims has. Islam 2.0 is an attempt to answer these questions through a mixture of information about Islam and lessons from the author’s personal life story. Dr. Hathout has tried to create a level of comfort for Muslim youth as they think about their religion. […]

In Pursuit of Justice
n this historic contribution to a modern understanding of Islam, Dr. Maher Hathout examines core democratic and human rights principles from an Islamic perspective. Subjects include justice, constitutionalism, democracy, sanctity of life, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the status of women, non-Muslims, property rights, citizenship, freedom of association, freedom of movement, children, security of person, slavery, and social services. “In Pursuit of Justice” was co-authored by Dr. Maher Hathout, Dr. Nayyer Ali, Dr. Gasser Hathout, and Uzma Jamil.

Jihad vs. Terrorism
Jihad vs. Terrorism is Dr. Maher Hathout’s profound and timely critique of the current approaches to understanding the Islamic concept of “jihad.” This word, in Arabic, literally means, “Struggle.” Rather than its popular media connotation of “holy war,” Dr. Hathout explains that the true meaning of “jihad” in Islamic traditions is that of an internal spiritual struggle, focused on individual purification and the promotion of social justice and human rights.