Jihad vs. Terrorism is Dr. Maher Hathout’s profound and timely critique of the current approaches to understanding the Islamic concept of “jihad.” This word, in Arabic, literally means, “Struggle.” Rather than its popular media connotation of “holy war,” Dr. Hathout explains that the true meaning of “jihad” in Islamic traditions is that of an internal spiritual struggle, focused on individual purification and the promotion of social justice and human rights.
“An important work on a timely topic by a leading spokesperson of the Muslim community in the United States.”
– Dr. Yvonne Haddad, Professor, Georgetown University
“Dr. Hathout brilliantly, and in his fascinating style, has put volumes of knowledge in this short work on ‘Jihad.’”
– Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, Former President of the Islamic Society of North America
“In clear and precise language, the…author challenges, confronts, and eliminates stereotypical opinions regarding what jihad is and isn’t.”
– Rabbi Allen I. Freehling, University Synagogue, Los Angeles